Mika Pohjonen

Mika P.jpg

Attorney at Law
Trained on the Bench
Public Procurement

Languages: English, Finnish



Mika is a public procurement partner at Frontia. He has over 20 years’ experience of public procurement legislation. He has exceptionally strong experience in all aspects of public procurement and also specialises in other areas of competition law.

Mika regularly represents clients in court proceedings related to public procurement matters. He has acted as counsel in over 300 legal proceedings at the Finnish Market Court and the Finnish Supreme Administrative Court. Mika also advises undertakings in participating in tender procedures and public entities in the arrangement of large-scale tender procedures.

Mika has both authored and co-authored 13 books on extensive public procurement matters. He has acted as chairman and lecturer at over 400 public procurement seminars and educational events. 

In addition, Mika handles assignments related to various competition restrictions and state aid.


  • Advising the City of Espoo on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) school project. The first of its kind in Finland.

  • Currently advises contracting authorities in the procurement of two large-scale hospital projects valued at appr MEUR 400 and 700.

  • Representing clients in several court proceedings concerning public procurement. These proceedings have also included damages proceedings in both District Courts and Courts of Appeal.


  • Mika has been regularly listed as an expert in public procurement, e.g. in such international legal directories as Chambers Global and Legal 500.


  • Specialist appointed by the Minister for Labor in the steering group of the comprehensive reform of the Act on Public Procurement.

  • Permanents Specialist in the working group of the Defense Ministry appointed by the Minister of Defense for the implementation of Directive 2009/81/EC and the preparation of procurement legislation in the field of defense, security and secrecy.

  • Permanent Specialist in the working groups of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment appointed by the Minister of Justice for the preparation of the proposal for the reform of legal remedies in public procurement legislation.


  • Hankintojen kilpailuttaminen ja sopimusehdot. Helsinki 2019. Co-authored with government counsellor Elise Pekkala, leading lawyer Katariina Huikko and Market Court Judge Markus Ukkola.

  • Hankintojen kilpailuttaminen. Helsinki 2017. Co-authored with government counsellor Elise Pekkala, leading lawyer Katariina Huikko and Market Court Judge Markus Ukkola.

  • Hankintalaki ja tilaajavastuulaki rakentamisessa. Opas tilaajalle ja tarjoajalle. Rakennustieto Oy. Helsinki 2017. 

  • Hankintojen kilpailuttaminen ja sopimusehdot. Helsinki 2014. Co-authored with government counsellor Elise Pekkala.

  • Hankintalaki ja tilaajavastuulaki rakentamisessa. Opas tilaajalle ja tarjoajalle. Suomen Rakennusmedia Oy. Helsinki 2013.

  • Hankintojen kilpailuttaminen ja sopimusehdot. Helsinki 2012. Co-authored with government counsellor Elise Pekkala.

  • Julkisten rakennushankintojen kilpailuttamisopas. Suomen Rakennusmedia Oy. Helsinki 2011.

  • Hankintojen kilpailuttaminen ja sopimusehdot. Helsinki 2010. Co-authored with government counsellor Elise Pekkala. 

  • Julkisten rakennushankintojen kilpailuttamisopas. Rakennusteollisuuden Kustannus RTK Oy. Lahti 2007.

  • Julkisen elinkaarihankkeen kilpailuttamisopas. Rakennusteollisuus RT ry Elinkaarimallit-kehityshanke. Vammala 2006.

  • Julkisia hankintoja koskeva oikeuskäytäntö. p. 218 Hamina 2002.


  • Partner, Frontia Attorneys Ltd, 2019 –

  • Specialist Partner, Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd, 2006 – 2019

  • Associate, Senior Associate, Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd, 2002 – 2005

  • Market Court Judge, The Finnish Market Court, 2002

  • Legal Secretary, Finnish Competition Council, 1999 – 2002

  • Assistant of Commercial Law, University of Lapland, 1998 – 1999

  • Trained on the Bench, 1998

  • Master of Economics and Business Administration, University of Vaasa, 1997

  • Master of Laws, University of Lapland, 1995